HBG Design’s employees are a force for good. We’re passionate corporate citizens who create impact in the communities where we live and work.
We’re purposeful community partners.
Kirk Bobo Creating Impact Grant and Outreach Program
We connect social responsibility and community partnership through an annual grant and volunteer program. Named for one of the firm’s founders, the Kirk Bobo Creating Impact Grant and Outreach Initiative is a unique partnership between HBG Design and a local non-profit community organization. The program provides opportunities to impact community change through design and redevelopment with monetary support and hands-on employee volunteers to accomplish project goals. In its first year, HBG Design employees donated over 500 volunteer hours.
We encourage employees to explore the global nature of design through a new lens.
GOH Travel Scholarship
Travel enriches our lives, broadens our outlook and opens our minds…In those moments immersed in another cultural context we learn about other perspectives. The GOH Travel Scholarship awards $7,000 annually to one employee to enhance experience-based learning through a purposeful international travel journey. Scholarship recipients share how their discoveries impact the way we look at life, appreciate culture and approach design.
We invest in educational partnership programs at national accredited universities.
Educational Scholarships and Co-ops
The firm has made a commitment to helping prepare the next generation of architects and interior designers through co-op programs, internships, and competitive scholarship award programs. Our designers interact with many leading architecture and interior design programs and encourage ongoing dialogue with students focused on high-level conceptual design.
We are helping make higher education a reality.
Spirit of Sovereignty
HBG Design is proud to contribute annually, on the behalf of our clients, to the National Indian Gaming Association’s Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship program. Spirit of Sovereignty helps make higher education a reality for deserving Native American students.

We know that every day is the season for giving.
Food and Toy Drives
Our annual community outreach activities offer a personal way for our employees to give back.